Today, sheet metal parts are a common metal material. Meanwhile, sheet metal is widely used in manufacturing industries, such as electronics industry, electrical appliance industry, communication equipment, and automotive industry. More and more manufacturers who just start manufacturing sheet metal parts mainly choose fiber metal laser cutting machine for manufacturing, which is attributed to the high precision and efficiency of fiber metal laser cutting machine. What are the specific advantages of fiber metal laser cutting machine in sheet metal manufacturing? There are three main points.
1, the use of CNC programming software to improve laser cutting efficiency. Metal laser cutting machine can effectively use the advantages of CNC programming software to greatly improve the utilization of sheet metal raw materials, reduce the use and consumption of raw materials, while reducing the intensity of work and intensity of employees to achieve satisfactory results. At the same time, by improving the versatility of undercutting, the undercutting stage of sheet metal cutting can be ignored, effectively reducing the clamping of raw materials and reducing the time to manufacture auxiliary tools. This results in more effective driving of the cutting plan distribution, effective increase of manufacturing rate, and saving of raw materials.
2、Save the time required for product development and maintain a large number of sheet metal parts for quantitative production and manufacturing. The application of metal laser cutting machine can effectively reduce the total number of injection molds, saving the time required for the development of new products and promoting the speed and rhythm of their development. The excellent quality of laser-cut parts and the greatly improved work efficiency favor the manufacturing of small-lot production, which strongly guarantees the atmosphere of the sales market where the development time of commodities needs to be increasingly shortened. The application of laser cutting can accurately locate the dimensions of the punching die, laying solid basic knowledge for future mass production.
3、Reduce the process flow and product cost of sheet metal processing plant. In the operation of sheet metal processing plant, basically any parts need to use the metal laser cutting machine molding operation, you can directly weld socket. Therefore, the application of metal laser cutting machine reduces the process flow and duration, effectively improve work efficiency, can maintain the staff work intensity and production costs of two-way increase or decrease, while promoting the improvement of the working environment, reduce the injection mold investment, effectively reduce the cost.
Through the introduction of the billion strong editorial is not generated a new understanding? When we choose the metal laser cutting machine, we can accurately select the product specifications according to their own requirements. Only when you buy the right product, you can operate well and manufacture well.